The Human Rem_nder.
Isn't your language proficiency the very obstacle to your productivity?
Many people are consumed by the urge to communicate by any means, still they feel more and more unable and uncomfortable to do so.
For some people, like myself, the problem is having a multi-linguistic persona. I personally feel the world through a physical nervous system strongly linked to my original dialect, I express comfortably myself in the Italian language for profound and philosophical purposes, I often work using technical English and I live daily through the wonders of Japanese.
I have realized that this fascinating multi-cultural-linguistic identity is in fact the huge obstacles to my productivity, because it splits in pieces the relationship with my audience.
I envy those whose creative consciousness is not disturbed by this linguistic oppression, I especially envy those people that can express themselves directly in languages linked to huge markets, like English - of course - and Japanese.
As banal and easy as it may seem, the solution to this linguistic and constipating dilemma is in updating one's strategy of communication, strictly selecting one's best audience and use its language only. And so to dump the heavy loads...
It is not something one can do easily and quickly, since in the fabric of an audience there are ten thousand ghosts of the past unwilling to leave.
It is a solution (or should I say a resolution?) that possibly brings even more work.
But work is never a problem when there is clarity of intent and procedures.
And the clear vision of a shining broad road to run, without branches and arms on the sides.