The Human Rem_nder.
You are the problem. You are like a pig fallen in a ditch full of apples, and still you search for foods (for the mind); solutions and systems to solve objective problems of a subjective problem.
You are the first problem. You need to resolve yourself, first.
Well, this is the "new normal" for the majority of people. But if you are here you *feel* that something is wrong about this obesity of the mind.
The problem is not being hungry, or being curious, or being absurdly lucky to live in an era of enormous opportunities and information. The problem is being insatiable.
You may remember the times when ONE book, or ONE movie, or ONE person was the long-lasting intellectual company bringing you to a myriad of experiences, of new encounters, of satisfactory accomplishments.
Now what?
Even if God itself would tell you THE SECRET of the Universe, how long it will last in your head? Aren't you too much distracted to actually let the information sink in an actualize it into a new, objective, paradigm of life?
How was the biblical expression?
"Throw pearls to the pigs" ?
The problem is that it got easier to search and eat (information and vistas of life) rather than digest and actualize them into our own life.
Of course this is not happening by chance. It is obvious to me that this kind of society is being reinforced on purpose. Some people well above us want us to be intellectually fat and addicted to intellectual quests than having us running around the actual world of factual opportunities.
So, what to do?
Let our new toys (whatever they are) last longer than a day.
Recognize the fact that "informatically" we are childish adults in need of discipline.
Yes, yes, yes, Self-discipline, Self-discipline: SOS, Same Old Shit.
Is not this being fat and lazy the results of too many years of intellectual loneliness?
What if we all adopt and discipline each others - at arm length?
Of course, do not take this altruistic task too seriously. Many unsuspecting friends love to be pigs.