The Human Rem_nder.
The Past is tense. Leave it for good.
Sooner or later, may come into life a time when your past (ugly or wonderful that it has been) acts like a bloody heavy weight.
Nothing really bad, but memories, situations, words and people faces seem to continuously pop up and brake us down, to prevent us to live the present and actively step into the natural future.
This can happen subjectively (when our memory and nostalgia are too trophic) or objectively (when we maintain active social connections with people and places too much distant in space and time).
Without any intention of melancholy, life - at its bones - is a matter of loneliness.
If you are like I used to be, always hoping for the last minute miracle, do a favor to yourself: cut, cut, cut.
Take your dumbest facial expression you can, and silently cut heavy connections with the past:
you want to free up new lines for the future
I am not speaking about becoming a Tibetan monk, or living in a log in Canada for few years.
Do not seek solitude, but make peace with the concept of basic loneliness. Because loneliness is the place to be if you really want to update your sociality.
Do not worry. Really meaningful people of the past, will surprise you at due time.